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The Worm Turns with Jimmy Callaway

Jan 27, 2022

Back in the early days of Lockdown 2020, I banged together a small handful of shows focusing on the wild 'n' frantic rock 'n' f'ing roll of the 1950s called I Don't Like You That Much with Jimmy Callaway. Most of them got deleted when I shut down my Nixcloud account, so why not upload them again for my r'n'r faithful...

Jan 25, 2022

Hi, here’s 30 minutes of all rock and no politics at the dinner table, you boys.


This Little Girl of Mine


(‘Til) I Kissed You

Like Strangers

Poor Jenny

Should We Tell Him

Wake Up, Little Susie

Since You Broke My Heart

Love of My Life

I Wonder if I Care as Much

Devoted to You

Brand New Heartache

Jan 20, 2022

Back in the early days of Lockdown 2020, I banged together a small handful of shows focusing on the wild 'n' frantic rock 'n' f'ing roll of the 1950s called I Don't Like You That Much with Jimmy Callaway. Most of them got deleted when I shut down my Mixcunt account, so why not upload them again for my r'n'r faithful WHY...

Jan 13, 2022

Back in the early days of Lockdown 2020, I banged together a small handful of shows focusing on the wild 'n' frantic rock 'n' f'ing roll of the 1950s called I Don't Like You That Much with Jimmy Callaway. Most of them got deleted when I shut down my Shitcloud account, so why not upload them again for my r'n'r faithful...

Jan 11, 2022

Hi, here’s 30 minutes of all rock and no talk, all songs by Dragon Boy Suede

Buy You Clothes, Do You in ‘Em, Take ‘Em Back

Chai Tea Morning

Wake Up Late

Some Get Some

Newborn Baby Colt

You Won’t Sass Me Like That When I Can Summon Wolves


Three Quarters

Daddy Likey

When This Song’s...