Dec 27, 2018
Hey, hey, it’s The Worm Turns with Jimmy Callaway and a tribute to the pre-fab four! SCREAM at how cute Davy is! SCREAM at how cute Micky is! You GET the idea for the other two! Come and watch us sing and play!
Furious George--“(Theme from) The Monkees”
Curtis Lee--“Pretty Little Angel Eyes”
Dec 20, 2018
¡Hola y bienvenidos a The Worm Turns con Jimmy Callaway! Es el episodio totalmente español, ¡así que HAGAMOS una carrera por la frontera! ¡COMA un poco de tequila! BEBA algunos tacos! ¡Son todas las fronteras abiertas en la tierra del rocanrol!
Los Saicos--“Demolición”
The Voodoo Glow Skulls--“La Migra”
Dec 13, 2018
Start spreading the news, it’s the New York episode of The Worm Turns with Jimmy Callaway! CATCH the A train! GO ON AND ON about your pizza! RETIRE to Florida! It’s a hell of a town!
The New York Dolls--“Personality Crisis”
The Heartbreakers--“Born to Lose”
Agnostic Front--“Police State”
The Jon Spencer...
Dec 6, 2018
Holy hardcore, it’s the all slam-dancing episode of The Worm Turns with Jimmy Callaway! THROW some elbows! PIN some wheels! KICK a skinhead in the shins! See you in the pit, fuckers! RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED to Pete Shelley, everybody's not as happy nowadays.
Guttermouth--“Race Track”