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The Worm Turns with Jimmy Callaway

Apr 19, 2022

Hi, here's 30 minutes of all rock and 3 chords by the Hanson Brothers*.

The Hockey Song


Third Man In


My Game

Give Me Anything

I Never Will Forget Her

It's a Secret

Rink Rat

100 + 10%


Stick Boy

Sudden Death

*No, not those Hanson brothers.

Apr 5, 2022

Hi here's 30 minutes of all rock and no talk from De La Soul's second album, 1991's De La Soul Is Dead

Not Over til the Fat Lady Plays the Demo

Ring Ring Ring (Ha Ha Hey)

Pass the Plugs

Millie Pulled a Pistol on Santa

My Brother's a Basehead

Rap de Rap Show

Pease Porridge

Keepin' the Faith

Oodles of O's

Fanatic of the B...